Catching the eye of your future apprentice

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Apprentice week is lurking around the corner. Competition is fierce. And if you’ve got an apprentice programme, you’re probably wondering how do you catch the eye of your kind of future colleagues.

We asked our brand and content team to share the things they bear in mind (and think you should bear in mind too) when creating a quality apprentice campaign. Here’s what they said.


Find the apprentice version of your story.

Apprentices might be a different audience, but you’re still the same organisation. The values, culture and purpose that shape your EVP will all apply here. Just make sure to speak to your current apprentices and find out what it all means to them.


Don’t overpromise.

Your apprentices certainly play their part in the work you do, but they’re more likely to be learning on projects than leading them. So temper your promises. Focus less on impact and more on involvement and how much their contribution will be valued.


Get your explaining boots on.

While it’s not impossible, it’s unlikely that your audience will know much about your sector – or the professional world in general. So things that go without saying in grad or experience hire campaigns should definitely be said here. Explain the what and why of your organisation and its work.


Loosen up a bit.

An apprentice campaign is your opportunity to push things and be a bit less serious. Explore the bolder corners of your colour palette. Consider illustration. Be jollier on social. It’s not about being childish or silly – it’s about highlighting the more accessible and human side of your corporate face.


Talking of which…

…speak their language. Writing like a human rather than a corporation is always a good idea and it’s even more important for apprentices. Plain English is your friend here. Everyday terms for you may be baffling or irrelevant for apprentice audiences, so keep things understandable, human and clear.


Your apprentices will tell a better story than you ever will.

Peer-to-peer storytelling is the most powerful tool you’ve got. Equipping your current apprentices to share their experiences, insights and ambitions is a brilliant way to reassure and inspire your next batch. It’ll be more believable. It’ll be more relevant. And it’ll be pitched perfectly too.

We hope this gives you a few things to think about. If you’d like to talk about them, we’d be more than happy to get a coffee in. Just get in touch.