How organisational culture is influenced by connections


Richard Badley, Head of Innovation, SMRS

Corporate culture, often described as ‘the way things are done here,’ is the heart and soul of an organisation. It is the collective behaviour of people within an organisation, shaped by their values, beliefs, and attitudes. More than just a buzzword, corporate culture is a critical component of a business’s success and sustainability.  

A positive, supportive culture fosters a sense of belonging, improves productivity, and increases overall job satisfaction. A company’s culture also plays a pivotal role in talent attraction and retention. 

Beyond the immediate corporate environment, corporate culture also significantly impacts wider society. The ethics and behaviours that are ingrained within a company’s culture often dictate how it interacts with its stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the broader community. 

The connections between colleagues in an organisation have a significant influence on an organisation’s culture. 

Connectivity and networks, in their most fundamental sense, refer to the relationships that exist between employees in an organisation. These relationships can be formal, like reporting lines and team structures, or they can be informal, such as social connections and knowledge-sharing networks. 

Networks have a profound influence on organisational culture. They act as conduits for the flow of information, ideas, and values, influencing how employees perceive their work, their colleagues, and the organisation as a whole. 

When connectivity is robust and networks are well-developed, the organisation benefits in numerous ways.

  • Communication improves, fostering a culture of transparency and shared understanding.
  • Collaboration intensifies, encouraging creativity and innovation.
  • Trust and engagement increase, driving employee satisfaction and loyalty. 

However, connectivity and networks are not self-sustaining entities; they require nurturing and management. When neglected or poorly managed, they can inadvertently create a culture of silos, misinformation, and disengagement. It is, therefore, vital for organisations to understand and effectively manage their internal networks to create a culture that supports their strategic objectives. 

We recently developed cutting-edge methodologies to not only map and analyse organisational networks but also align connectivity to our Organisational Health Model (a cultural assessment framework), linking connectivity to culture.  

We can identify clusters of connectivity, pinpoint key influencers, and reveal gaps or bottlenecks that hinder information flow. These are all key components of the cultural position and aspiration of an organisation. Our insights can help guide targeted interventions to enhance connectivity and foster a more positive and productive organisational culture. 

If you would like to understand more about our work in this space and how to understand your own organisation’s culture, and how colleagues are connected within it, get in touch. We would love to share our work and our passion with you. 

Richard Badley